于是我就想,一部可以容纳300多号人的飞机,GOOGLE将怎么用?难道说GOOGLE想开航空公司?全美最大的WIFI都敢做,狗哥还有什么不敢做?挖走了互联网之父,员工人数两年翻四倍(这么有消费力的公司员工,出差都够Google Air公司运送了),新增股票获利41亿美元,我看这世道有点不对劲了,李开复什么时候来挖我呀,还不上岗!
这里有更多的图(more boeing 767 photo): http://www.boeing.com/companyoffices/gallery/images/commercial/767.html
Every Silicon Valley tech giant has to have his jet. Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have settled on a Boeing 767 as their personal jet, and it's currently down in Dallas getting interior work done, or at least that's according to Jeff Nolan, over at SAP Ventures, who told us that he'd bumped into a guy in the aviation industry who said as much.
What’s next, Google Air?